But today there was more to do than just clean up debris, which is what we came here to do. We had to work with the local fire department to warn of potential flooding in the community again.

In this case the man in charge was Fire Chief Frankie Baker. From my first impression Frankie is a simple man, humble and reserved, but when the pressure is on, Chief Baker knows how to call the shots. It is easy to see how his volunteers trust him and why they would follow him into a burning home.
Frankie’s task at hand is great. I was introduced to him because he is the one in charge of the cleanup of the flood disaster debris. After touring the community, I sat with him and his crew in the firehouse presenting and explaining the best plan of action for a complete cleanup of debris, lifting the spirits of all as cleanup begins.
As we laid out the strategic plan, 911 Director Tom Fisher, who is second in command to the county judge, walks into the room. The mood changed rapidly as he began to outline new weather-related developments. Just north of the small city are two dams. Norfork Dam is holding back 500 miles of shore, and Bulscholds Dam holds back another 800 miles of shore. Tom explained, “The water is at the floodgates, gentlemen. We are expected to get 4-6 inches of rain in the next two days but if we just get two of those inches the dams will not be able to withstand the pressure, and the floodgates will need to be let open. Norfork will experience flooding worse than what just came through. The Army Corp of Engineers will alert us when two inches of water comes and will only be able to provide our city one hour to evacuate. After that…it will be too late.”
We all agreed the best thing to do was to go to all the communities along the river and inform them of what is expected. Tim, Chief Baker and I jumped in an ambulance and announced like a broken record to one house after the other, “Gather your belongings, jewelry, titles, valuables…get them in your car and evacuate if you want to play it safe. If the rain comes, Norfork could get flooded again and all the homes along the river could be affected.” We also explained that if the Corp opens the floodgates people in their homes along the river would only have one hour to evacuate.
The first few houses went okay. One gentleman who was so old and fragile said, “Can you help me get some of my things to higher ground? I’m too weak to get outside. It’s so cold, and I’m not well.” We helped him with whatever he needed. When the fire chief and I got to the fourth house we were invited into the hallway—the wallpaper straight from the 1970’s—and while standing in the dim light, we warned the occupant of the potential flooding that may happen again. For a split second I wondered what it would be like to have a place I called home for 45 years, and the thought of all I had and had ever held close potentially being destroyed. I could only imagine, and then my mind got caught up again in the job at hand.
The chief explained that many of the roads were washed out and said the only way to warn some of these people was via the river and a loud bull horn. We told Frankie this was his community, his people, and whatever he needed us to do we would do.

One of my dear friends told me a beautiful story a few days ago. He was putting his 3-year-old daughter to sleep and just when she could hardly keep her eyes open she said, “I love you daddy,” and softly drifted to sleep as her beautiful little face rested against his neck. He said, “Tad, words cannot explain how special that moment meant to me. It will stay in my heart for an eternity. And someday, you and your men will save lives so that some dad can experience one of the most special moments in his life just as I did that night…and that one life will make everything you do worth it.”
May we always have strength to persevere in life. To endure the challenges, but even more so, to look forward to those moments when you can say to yourself it’s good to be alive. Someday again soon, the sun will rise on this small town, and the skies will be so blue and beautiful. As for now, I feel we have given this community an opportunity to evacuate but my hope is that the rain holds back and the community does not flood again.
May we always have strength to persevere in life. To endure the challenges, but even more so, to look forward to those moments when you can say to yourself it’s good to be alive. Someday again soon, the sun will rise on this small town, and the skies will be so blue and beautiful. As for now, I feel we have given this community an opportunity to evacuate but my hope is that the rain holds back and the community does not flood again.
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