Wednesday, December 5, 2007

December 5, 2007 - San Diego, CA Wildfires

I guess you can say it’s bad timing…I guess I would like to say a lot of things. For now all I know is that on November 26 someone, somehow, from one of the places where we purchased food, fuel, or lodging, got a hold of my AMEX number and has been having a grand ole time for the last 10 days. We’ve been so busy helping people that I did not know someone was helping themselves to my bank account.

I’m kind of angry at the person who did this right now. We’re out here doing good things, and why did this have to happen? I’m just trying to be honest. Although I feel this way, in my heart I know it’s wrong. I know God has nothing to do with this. It’s just the world we live in, and I refuse to let things that are dark change me.

I suppose life will always be challenging and bad things will continue to happen to others and to me. People will disappoint us, people will hurt us, and sometimes when we are looking the other way people will take advantage of us. I am human and fully aware of my shortcomings but I hope I will always find just enough strength to stand – and not let the things of this world change who I am and who I want to be.

In the words of the musician Andy Zipf, “Keep On.”

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