We arrived at the firehouse down town Norfolk, VA early this morning. I introduced myself to the chief and after he looked out the window at our fleet looked at me and said, “You're not going to charge us for this are you?” I answered "no," and he quickly sent one of the fire fighters to guide us to the part of the city that was beginning to flood. 30 minutes later we were on the scene and began the rescue operation.
We launched the boat and began to go door to door checking on folks that may still be home. One after another we began to load people in the boat. 3-4 kids at a time, one after another. I grabbed this one little boy who was 4 years old. He was scared and holding onto his backpack. I sat him in front of me on the seat and flew him through his neighborhood to nearby fire fighters ready to reunite him with his family. One man screamed out the window to me, “Can you save my wife and son?” Another woman was suffering from an injury; it took 4 men to get her in the boat and as I was bringing her to safety she just sat there crying and shaking. I kept telling here everything was going to be ok and that she would be with her husband soon. One woman had two babies with her. As I sat them behind me in the boat I explained the ride would be loud and very wet but hold on and you’ll be safe soon. She did not say anything back but simply looked at me and in a way I felt she trusted me.
Life is precious and unpredictable. Cherish those you love